a bedroom with a bed and a table

Hotel Offers in Springfield, MO

Elevated Experiences

Stay 2 Nights and Save

Stay two nights and enjoy up to 15% off our best available rate.

Whether you're planning a weekend getaway or an extended retreat, now is the perfect time to experience the mysteries of Hotel V. Join us for a stay that’s anything but ordinary. Book today and unveil the hidden wonders of Hotel Vandivort.

Offer subject to availability; two-night stay required. Valid on new reservations only and not applicable to groups; cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.

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Chill and Charm

Embrace the magic of the winter season with a cozy escape to Hotel Vandivort. Enjoy 15% off your stay and indulge in the warmth of our curated spaces and thoughtful touches. Book now through January 27 to enjoy the season's savings. Your perfect winter getaway awaits. Offer subject to availability. Valid on new reservations only and not applicable to groups; cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.

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Stay 3 Nights and Save

Stay three nights and enjoy up to 20% off our best available rate. 

Whether you're planning a weekend getaway or an extended retreat, now is the perfect time to experience the mysteries of Hotel V. Join us for a stay that’s anything but ordinary. Book today and unveil the hidden wonders of Hotel Vandivort.

Offer subject to availability; three-night stay required. Valid on new reservations only and not applicable to groups; cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.

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Springfield Getaway

With connections to the great outdoors, a plethora of museums, amazing dining experiences, and tons of shopping - a getaway to Springfield is ready for you. Staying steps away from the city's most captivating attractions, Hotel Vandivort is the perfect place to unwind and dine before setting out to create moments that are distinctly your. Book now - your getaway awaits!

Package Includes:

  • Our best rates - guaranteed
  • Most up-to-date availability
  • Accommodation of special requests
  • Top Springfield, MO room selection
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